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For sure if we humans get to know that everyone has his or her own race to run with out fighting each other, we would have been far, here we learn to fight our own battles with out comparing our selves to others.
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 0    0

Its always good to be you and stop others to lead your life. Because every one has a different target so you may take a wrong turn if you decide to follow some ones path.
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 1    0

Don't compare yourself with others.

Everyone has his successful story. Every person has his painful story. A school bell that sounds as a disturbance at 6:00am to wake you up it also sounds interesting at 1:00pm for lunch. It is just a matter of time. So don't envy at anyone. Not every one walking fast has an appointment some have running stomach. So don't compare yourself with others because you also have your own strength. Don't loose hope. You are on the right truck heading next to your goal.

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