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Si es necesario presupuestar todos lo eventos, con la finalidad de estar preparado para cualquier ocasión y evento que se presente.
added by Anonymous 949 days ago 0    0

Una persona triunfadora, no deja detalles sueltos, siempre se debe presupuestar todo, hasta los casos hipotericos.
added by Anonymous 949 days ago 0    0

Does special occasions events supposed to be considered when making budgets.

Most people tend to underestimate the occurrence of special occasions such as birth days, marriage ceremonies and so forth of their relatives and friends which lives around them . Are such occasions need to be considered when making budgets.

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It's not necessary because anything concerning occasions has the ones in charge, who is responsible for it and it means he or she has the capacity to finish it without any one's support, people will come in to celebrate for you. No need for the budget.
added by Anonymous 949 days ago 0    0