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Our memory is very important because if you want to become successful you need to know the past, look at the present and predict the future.
added by Anonymous 946 days ago 1    0

Actually the momery in us determines a lot on what we will be in future, if you use it falsely you will die crying, but if you use it wisely even grand grand children we will be happy for your deeds because no regret at all.
added by Anonymous 947 days ago 1    0

Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past

Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past, your memory can help you to keep all your data am meaning the memory that God gave us it can help you to plan for your future and be important person so your memory is a wonderful thing.

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One's memory is as powerful as it's trained to focus on a given agenda because it can destroy one's life when it's not well trained.
added by Anonymous 947 days ago 1    0

Quien no acepta los errores de su pasado, está condenado a repetirlo, lidiar con tu pasado te da experiencia para afrontar el futuro.
added by Anonymous 947 days ago 1    0

La memoria es maravillosa en todas sus facetas, y lidiar con el pasado es supremamente importante, ya que, te ayudará a tomar mejores decisiones en el futuro.
added by Anonymous 947 days ago 1    0