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In life we need to live a helpful life with out expecting any return from those we help, if God's grace is upon you help, your reward is in heaven.
added by Anonymous 952 days ago 2    0

Even we help people and some of them don't appreciate, we should not stop being kind. If we stop other good people are denied help. But even those who don't appreciate God pays sometimes directly or indirectly
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 2    0

Dice un dicho muy conocido, que el tiempo lo cura todo y es verdad. El tiempo es la mejor medicina para olvidar nuestros males.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 3    0

Así como el tiempo es nuestro peor enemigo en lo momentos felices, es también nuestro mejor aliado en los momentos turbios.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 3    0

Sincery time is the best judge. There is a time when you feel like killing yourself because of the many challenges you encounter. Some people in such situations loose hope and they prefer dying than struggling with life. But the truth is just continue to struggle one day you will come out as a winner and become a good lesson to your people.
added by Anonymous 953 days ago 3    0

Time is the best judge because it doesn't lie but when offering assistance to someone, it's better to be done without expecting the same and that's why some are frustrated when not appreciated.
added by Anonymous 954 days ago 2    0

Time heals and Time is the best Judge.

Have you ever helped someone out of a troublesome situation and he doesn't appreciate you? It might not be a big problem but you helped him/her. Have you ever thought of giving up on helping others because you assisted so and so but he/she didn't appreciate you? Please brother or sister, never stop helping. Just have courage. Have you ever done anyting and you expected good results but you ended up loosing? I say don't stop, continue. Time is there for you. Many people have called you a looser but don't give up because a Time will come when people will regret why they treated you wrong. Trust me, it will definately come.

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